CAR SEAT: Maxi Cosi – The Baby Cubby // AIDEN’S MOCCS: Freshly Picked // MY DRESS: Neesee’s Dresses // PHOTOGRAPHY: Peace Photo
HELLO, Hello!
As you know, from following our adventures on instagram (@rebecca_swiss), Aiden has been growing WAY too fast and has now moved onto his big boy car seat! It was such a sad moment saying good bye to the infant seat but we had a blast looking for this new seat for him. The Baby Cubby is one of my favorite stores to shop from and they have a car seat guide (here) that makes the selection process a breeze. I love how they make you feel at home at their store and help you for as long as you need with answers to questions and they price match!
After going through the guide, I was debating between two car seats; the Nuna Rava and the Maxi Cosi Pria 85. I loved how they both looked… so sleek, classy, and black (I love all black things!). They both have high safety, extreme comfort for your child and easy to clean. We decided on the Maxi Cosi because it was a little more budget friendly. Aiden LOVES it and is so happy to not be crammed in his tiny infant seat anymore hahaha (poor guy). I’m in love with it too! We have had it for a few weeks now and I highly recommend it!
Well, I hope this helps all you parents with some of your shopping questions and thank you for stopping by!
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